Friday, January 6, 2017

Cake by the ocean: Flamingo style

Ellie and I had so much fun planning her flamingo beach bash for her seventh birthday party. Our beach loving December baby was sure lucky to be born in Miami!
Family picture to celebrate the birthday girl
Ellie insisted on only having one flamingo float at her party so she would be the special birthday girl on it.
Ellie's top request for her birthday party was to have her cake by the ocean.
I just love this spunky seven year old with her beautiful mermaid hair. // fun sugar cookies we made for the par-tay
Oh, Bruce, you just might be the cutest thing ever.
Ellie and I got our hair ends dyed pink for the flamingo party, but it's hard to see in all the pics because the bright light washes it all out. But it was awesome and I love that she wanted link hair with me.
Kenny used link hairspray and wore his flamingo suit to get into the party spirit. He also dubbed the pineapple to be his.
Cake by the ocean!
Sipping lemonade out of pineapples with flamingo straws.
Such bad lighting but it was truly a beautiful and perfect day!
Cake by the ocean!
We love that grandma has always made sure she can be there for the kids birthdays! She is the best.
Oh, Ellie
Grandma Patty on Patrick duty
Chocolate fashion for the win every time
Getting ready to party!
Beautiful Ellie is just as smart as she is pretty. She is always such a big helper and so much fun to be around.
Best friends for life
I love living in miami and having a birthday party at the beach in December.
Bruce basically sat out in his swan the entire party and wasn't too happy to see it end.
So glam
Ellie was quite insistent on serving subway ham sandwiches with tomato and lettuce at her party so that's exactly what we did.
Setting up for family picture
Prettiest view
Ellie sure loved these flamingo can floats
Dancing with cake by the ocean
Cutting the cake by the ocean
Ellie was not ready for her party to be over after almost six hours at the beach.
Bruce in this one is my favorite
I had to include our pink hair picture since the others were all so washed out in the sun.


Ellies birthday party video:


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